RF-11 Man Pack Radio used in CSLA
The radioset is consisting RF-11 manpack radio Tx/Rx, throat-mic, battery box, headphones, antenna and canvas strap plus assorted valves in the wooden box.
Famous Czech manpack radio set for a short range communications. The RF-11 was the first post WW 2 small manpack radio. Its concept is very simple, VFO-PA while transmitting, preamp and superregeneration detector while receiving.
There were three variations of this radio produced (in the order of appearance):
Famous Czech manpack radio set for a short range communications. The RF-11 was the first post WW 2 small manpack radio. Its concept is very simple, VFO-PA while transmitting, preamp and superregeneration detector while receiving.
There were three variations of this radio produced (in the order of appearance):
- RF-11 the primary model is compatible with e.g. A7b and other radios of these times.
It runs on 23 to 28 MHz using AM (A3) mode only. Receiver sensitivity less than 4uV. It has 50 operation channels with 100kHz channel spacing and has four 1L34S valves. Heater supply is 1.5V LT and 120V HT. The output power is 40mW.
The field operational results of those radios were mostly poor - mainly because of the low sensitivty, bad reliability and low frequency stability. At the other hand, there were no other such a radios in our country at those (and many following) years... (Tnx Karel, OK1UHU)
73 - Petr, OK1RP
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ReplyDeleteThe surplus RF-11 here allegedly "demilitarized" by removing UNKNOWN components.
Ahoj Vasek AA7EJ