Spojovací prostředky, PVOS, zbraně, taktika... aneb neucelené a nekoordinované čtení o technice ČSLA

Spojovací prostředky, PVOS, zbraně, taktika... aneb neucelené a nekoordinované čtení o technice nejen ČSLA

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

RF-10 (Takt 1) The Czechoslovak army manpack VHF radio review - part 10 - Battery pack voltmeter (EN)

Battery pack service voltmeter for RF-10. This device is used to verify the charge level of the battery and the individual cells inside. The voltmeter is simply connected via the connector to the battery terminals. 

Immediately after connection, the voltage of the battery pack is measured at no load. After pressing the right load button, the load (bulb) is connected. For new, freshly charged cells, the voltage should not fall below 6.5V when tested with a load. On the left side of the device there are two sockets (+ red and –black) and a load button. These sockets are used to test individual cells inside the battery pack (again, we can measure with or without load). During testing, we connect the supply cables to the individual cells (!). 

Max. the input voltage of the voltmeter in this case is 2V. For a new, freshly charged cell, the voltage with the load should not fall below 1.25V and should not differ significantly from the voltage of the other cells.

73 - Petr, OK1RP

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