Spojovací prostředky, PVOS, zbraně, taktika... aneb neucelené a nekoordinované čtení o technice ČSLA

Spojovací prostředky, PVOS, zbraně, taktika... aneb neucelené a nekoordinované čtení o technice nejen ČSLA

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

RF-10 (Takt 1) The Czechoslovak army manpack VHF radio review - part 9 - Battery pack discharger (EN)

Battery box discharger (3QK 051 87) for RF-10. There are two variants of RF-10 battery packs discharging boxes. 
Older and newer versions are quite different. 

The older variant contains electronics and is able to end the discharge of the power supply box when the voltage reaches around 5V. 

The new version contains only power resistors and a light bulb. The discharge therefore takes place until the source box is completely discharged which is dangerous for the cells of course! The discharge current is approximately 800mA. The schematics of the newer version of the discharger is below.

The schematics of the newer discharger version 

Older version of the discharger with smart end-stop circuitry

Older version of the discharger inside box

(Foto rights reserved to http://rf-10.nazory.cz)

73 - Petr, OK1RP

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